Thursday, 24 May 2012

Accept me the way i am

HM dah mula complain dan tegur my face.owhh..tidak ! Last week i with HM went to Linda Aris butik for our last fitting for bride's side.
You know guys,on the way balik dalam kereta tetibe i tersentap bila HM cakap "Kenape muka dah macam kertas pasir".perghhh...sentap gile beb....!! Ye..saya mengaku since last 2 month my face memang agak teruk naik pimple banyak sangat dekat dahi dan pipi.Semua orang yang i jumpa ask me the same question.As nape muka teruk.dulu tak macamnie pun.stress fikir kahwin ke? i tak tahu cakap apa ape dah..memang STRESS okay.Full stop !

For those who know me,I am actually a make up person.hehe..But now,since pimple dah menjadi-jadi dekat muka nie.i stop to using any make-up temporary.Bukan apa,risau jugak takut time wedding nanti muka lagi bertambah teruk.So,buat masa sekarang hari-hari pergi ofice i just put some moisturiser and lip balm eye compact powder.stop using all this things for a while =)
Having make-up now is just too troublesome for me buat masa sekarang lah.Biarlah orang nampak different sikit kan.Nie hari-hari muka duk touch up dengan make up je nanti time tiba hari bersanding dah tak nampak seri dah..hehe.. :) verasan lebih saya nieh ! aduyai...

I kept on asking why can't he just accept the way I am? I mean,it was a non issue before we got engaged but how come it has become one now? I felt like he loves me less..emo..I know haha..Being a pretty sight for the husband  is also part of the responsibility,I guess. So,now i need to remove all pimples kat muka nie..tapi boleh ker? bukan senang kan? hapo after,i got married.Semua pimple tuh hilang.maybe nie pimple stress and tak cukup rest kot...haha (alasan)

I know HM just probably wanted to see me at my best.But,I know he still loves me as much even if I don't do all the things he wants me to but I guess,
I just want to make him happy!

-Hunnybee’s -


  1. kita akan lebih tersentap kalau si dia yang tegur. kita memang nak dia tegur..tapi kalau dia dah tegur,kita sentap.huhuhu...perempuan..

    anyway..xsabar nak tunggu hari bahagia as..sure meletOOp :) relaxx..jgn stress darling

  2. betol cakap erna tuh.kalau org lain tegur,x kisah lagi.tapi bila DIA tegur..mula lah x senang duduk.
    hahaha..bukan ape erna,kita nak cantik hanya untuk DIA kan..=)

    wedding nnt xde meletoop lah pn.erna..biasa2 je yunk.

  3. selamat pngantin baru as!
    smoga berbhgia hngga ke akhir hyt kamu..
    sory x dpt dtg tau ade kelas..
    p/s ~ cpt2 dapat baby tau... hehehe

  4. hehe..welcome ;)

    insyaallah..mudah-mudahan doakan la ye..=)
