Thursday 29 March 2012

MUA for Groom's side done !

hye lovely bloggers !

rindu nya nak update blog..maklum lah bz sangat-sangat sekarang nie.selalu nya i akan update blog after ofice hour kat rumah.but curently memang  tak sempat.diri nie busy menyiapkan my DIY.nak tahu DIY apa? hehe..wait! i'll update soon yah :)

Alhamdulillah..last week i dah book MUA for groom's side.lepas dah puas men'GOOGLE' and tanya my friends.FINALLY! i choose Zamrimat.touch as my officially MUA for groom's side.tapi i belum decide lagi nak bersiap-siap kat mana nanti.Rawang or Bangi.MUA stay kat Bangi.So,kalau i bersiap-siap kat Bangi at least boleh lah save kos sikit.tak da transport charge to Rawang..hehe =)
i tak kisah la bersiap kat mane pun yang penting hasil make up nye cantik..

Some of Zamri Mat Touch works..

cantek =)
Love touch up by ZamriMat

Pengantin keluaran April 2012..MUA : Zamrimat.touch
-Hunnybee’s -

1 comment:

  1. Cantik sgt... im thinking to hire him too. Hope my date is still available
